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Best of Denton County, 2023
(Click to expand image and find link to full issue.) 122-page annual magazine honored the Best of Denton County winners. Project included front and back gatefold covers and an inserted tab.
Flower Mound Town Life, October 2024
(Click to expand to find link to full issue.) Designed cover, table of content, and majority of ads and editorial content; managed all ad proofs and approvals; created flat plan; filled magazine; made corrections; prepared printer files; posted to ISSUU, social media, and website.
Lantana Living, October 2024
(Click to expand to find link to full issue.) Designed cover, table of content, and majority of ads and editorial content; managed all ad proofs and approvals; created flat plan; filled magazine; made corrections; prepared printer files; posted to ISSUU, social media, and website.
Argyle ISD Insights, Summer 2024
(Click to expand image and find link to full issue.) Created entire magazine from setting publication schedule to uploading to printer. Worked directly with the Argyle ISD.
The Dogtopian, Vol 3 (Spring 2024)
(Click to expand image and find link to full issue.) Created entire magazine from setting publication schedule to uploading to printer. Worked directly with Dogtopia Canada.
DeSoto ISD's Soaring Forward, Fall 2023
(Click to expand image and find link to full issue.) Created entire magazine from setting publication schedule to uploading to printer. Worked directly with the DeSoto ISD to set expectations, gather content, and gain approval.
Peter and the Star Catcher Program
I have prepared five show programs (interior pages remain almost the same) and one musical program per school year since 2016. This regular show program includes 60, 8.5x5.5-inch pages, color cover and b/w inside. End-to-end project management including gathering and editing all info, bios, and photos; coordinating ad sales and creating 70% of ads (rest submitted camera-ready); working with printer. Volunteer position.
Fiddler on the Roof Program
Program for Stage Right Theater Ministry's Fiddler on the Roof. 20-page, 8.5x7-inch booklet, printed in house.
Real Estate Brochure
8-page, 8.5x11 (horizontal open) brochure. Prepared for professional printer with full bleed.
In Touch Newsletter, June 2016
8-page, 8.5x11-inch newsletter booklet. Prepared for professional printer and mailed to congregation. (In Touch converted to a fully digital newsletter in 2017.)
Bulletin 030319.jpg
8.5x14 roll-fold bulletin from March 3, 2019. (Bottom left is front panel of bulletin.)
So Much Paper!
Trietsch's Director of Communications with some of the ministry brochures, bulletins, and rack cards we design and print in house.
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